Meet the Founders

Naomi Treichler

Hi! My name is Naomi, and I'm in 9th grade! I like to make things! I make websites, games, art, and music (composing and playing). I decided to create this company because I've noticed that many people are affected by rickrolls every year, and there is not much done to help them. Anti-RickRoll Insurance guarantees that anybody who wants help will get it when they need it.

Lisa Treichler

My name is Lisa and I’m in 6th grade. I like coding, cats, guinea pigs, and music. Now out of those cats and music are probably my favorite. I have two cats, a rabbit, and two guinea pigs. The guinea pigs are very loud. I decided to help make this website because I just got rick rolled too many times, by classmates, my sister, and other Hackingtons people. Mainly my sister and other Hackingtons people. So we made this website to ensure that nobody else would suffer the same fate as I did.

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